Dean Rusk in GJICL

During his time as an international law professor on the faculty at the University of Georgia School of Law Dean Rusk contributed several scholarly works related to international law. In addition to appearances at conferences and other events he attended and presented at, Rusk also published comments and other items in the school's Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. Below is a collection of works where Rusk is indicated as an author that were included in issues of the journal from our repository collection.



Sea Changes and the American Republic

Sea Changes and the American Republic

Symposium - The Future of International Law: Thoughts on the Next Forty Years (Forward)

Symposium - The Future of International Law: Thoughts on the Next Forty Years (Forward)

A Message of Hope

A Message of Hope

A Comment on Filartiga v. Pena-Irala

A Comment on Filartiga v. Pena-Irala

Forum: American Acceptance of the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice: Experiences and Prospects

Forum: American Acceptance of the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice: Experiences and Prospects

The 25th U.N. General Assembly and the Use of Force

The 25th U.N. General Assembly and the Use of Force

A Message of Hope

A Message of Hope