Legitimacy and International Courts
One of the most noted developments in international law over the past twenty years is the proliferation of international courts and tribunals. They decide who has the right to exploit natural resources, define the scope of human rights, delimit international boundaries and determine when the use of force is prohibited. As the number and influence of international courts grow, so too do challenges to their legitimacy. This volume provides new interdisciplinary insights into international courts' legitimacy: what drives and undermines the legitimacy of these bodies? How do drivers change depending on the court concerned? What is the link between legitimacy, democracy, effectiveness and justice? Top international experts analyse legitimacy for specific international courts, as well as the links between legitimacy and cross-cutting themes. Failure to understand and respond to legitimacy concerns can endanger both the courts and the law they interpret and apply.
- Experts in various fields analyse the meaning of legitimacy and its link to justice, democracy and effectiveness
- Features in-depth case-studies which outline the legitimacy challenges faced by international courts and offers lessons on how to approach them
- Will appeal to those seeking to deepen their understanding of legitimacy in the context of specific courts and across the field of international courts and tribunals
Publication Date
Cambridge University Press
international law, international courts
Courts | Human Rights Law | International Law
Repository Citation
Cohen, Harlan G.; Grossman, Nienke; Follesdal, Andreas; and Ulfstein, Geir, "Legitimacy and International Courts" (2018). Books. 146.