The Dean Rusk Lecture Series, 2002
In fall 2002 a four-lecture series was organized to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Dean Rusk Center and to pay tribute to Professor Dean Rusk, who provided the inspiration for the Center's creation and its continuing role at the Law School and the University. The lectures were documented in an Advocate Fall 2002 article including a selection of photographs and summary of the events.
Advocate Fall 2002 Article "International Insights"
Series Speakers:
Constitutional Rights & Human Rights, Louis Henkin
The European Union and the United States: Political Cleavages and the Use of Law, Manuel Medina Ortega
Democracy Beyond Nation State: World Trade Organization and European Union, Eric Stein
The United Nations and Peacebuilding, Abiodun Williams
Introduction to the Dean Rusk Lecture Series, Gabriel M. Wilner