Paper included in program materials for the Georgia ICLE program entitled: Internet Legal Research, held March 2, 2006


Searching the World Wide Web can be a daunting task. The Web has expanded at such a rapid pace that nobody knows exactly how large it is, but it is safe to say that there are many billions of Web pages residing on servers all over the world. Add to this scenario the task of evaluating information found on the web and choosing between the hundreds of different search tools available – including directories, search engines, meta-searchers, and specialized search engines – and the situation begins to feel overwhelming. Fortunately, learning a few essential concepts of Web searching and site evaluation, along with mastering a handful of the top-rated search tools, can make the picture much brighter. This paper will discuss the basics of a few search engines and provide examples of advanced searches that can be done to increase your searching efficiency. It will also address the task of assessing the quality of the information you find on the Internet. In addition it will list and describe places to go for more information on improving you Internet searching and evaluating skills.

google and beyond 2006.ppt (5940 kB)
Google and Beyond: Finding Information Using Search Engines, and Evaluating Your Results Powerpoint Presentation
