"Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2006 Series" by Margaret Blair, Richard E. Myers et al.


Faculty Colloquia, Fall 2006 Series

September 22: Richard E. Myers
The Sunset Amendment: A Conservative’s Case for Radical Constitutional Change

September 29: Michael S. Pardo
Juridical Proof and Best Explanations

October 6: Margaret Blair
Assurance Services as a Substitute for Law in Global Commerce

October 13: Steven L. Schwarcz
To Make or to Buy: In-House Lawyering and Value Creation

October 23: Ani B. Satz
Universal Access to High Technology Health Care: An Argument from Basic Capability Equality

November 7: John Neiman
Defining the Judicial Office

Myers Abstract.pdf (63 kB)
Abstract of talk by Richard Myers, "The Sunset Amendment: A Conservative’s Case for Radical Constitutional Change"

Pardo Abstract.pdf (61 kB)
Abstract of talk by Michael Pardo, "Juridical Proof and Best Explanations"

Blair Abstract.pdf (74 kB)
Abstract of talk by Margaret Blair, "Assurance Services as a Substitute for Law in Global Commerce"

Schwarcz Abstract.pdf (60 kB)
Abstract of talk by Steven Schwarcz, "To Make or to Buy: In-House Lawyering and Value Creation"

Satz Abstract.pdf (62 kB)
Abstract of talk by Ani Satz, "Universal Access to High Technology Health Care: An Argument from Basic Capability Equality"

Neiman Abstract.pdf (89 kB)
Abstract of talk by John Neiman, "Defining the Judicial Office"
