"The effects of asymmetric vs. symmetric probability of targets followi" by J. Peter Rosenfeld, Monica Tang et al.


The complex trial protocol (CTP, [J.P. Rosenfeld, E. Labkovsky, M. Winograd, M.A. Lui, C. Vandenboom & E. Chedid (2008), The complex trial protocol (CTP): a new, countermeasure-resistant, accurate P300-based method for detection of concealed information. Psychophysiology, 45, 906–919.]) is a sensitive, new, countermeasure-resistant, P300-based concealed information protocol in which a first stimulus (Probe or Irrelevant) is followed after about 1.4–1.8 s by a Target or Non-Target second stimulus within one trial. It has been previously run with a potentially confounding asymmetric conditional probability of Targets following Probes vs. Irrelevants. This present study compared asymmetric vs. symmetric conditional probability groups and found no significant differences in detection rates or Probe-minus-Irrelevant P300 differences between groups. Group differences were seen in error rates and reaction times (RT) to second stimuli. These differences were, however, not diagnostic for deception vs. truth-telling, and were attributable to response perseveration.
