"Christian Faith and Political Life: A Dialogue [with Jason Carter]" by J. Randy Beck

Georgia Law Review, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Fall 2006), pp. 65-67, 113-155


Several months before the 2004 presidential election, a seminar at the University of Georgia School of Law explored views of law and legal institutions reflected in various Christian theological traditions. The class included an unusually gifted group of students from a variety of theological and political backgrounds. One student brought a particularly unique and relevant set of experiences to the course. Jason Carter grew up as the grandson of Jimmy Carter, a former Democratic President who has often discussed the political implications of his Christian faith. Jason also observed first hand the interaction of Christian faith and political activity as Peace Corps volunteer in post-Apartheid South Africa. Believing that others could benefit from the discussion initiated in the seminar, I suggested that Jason's seminar paper form the basis for this published dialogue on political implications of Christian faith.
