This Article briefly describes the key features of the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Act, focusing particularly on the Connector. It then offers preliminary thoughts on the expected effect of that mechanism for creating quality, affordable health insurance products for individuals. Observers anticipate that commercial insurers will offer scant coverage and high-premium, high-deductible plans through the Connector, which coverage ultimately may be neither more affordable than products currently or more helpful to covering the cost of health care than no coverage at all. If the Connector fails to facilitate the individual insurance mandate, Massachusetts's promise of universal coverage may begin to unravel. Moreover, its usefulness as a model for other states proposing or considering similar risk-pooling mechanisms will be greatly diminished.
Repository Citation
Elizabeth Weeks Leonard,
Failure to Connect: The Massachusetts Plan for Individual Health Insurance
Available at: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/fac_artchop/760
Included in
Health Law and Policy Commons, Social Welfare Law Commons, State and Local Government Law Commons
Originally uploaded at SSRN.