Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities January 2007



Paul J. Heald's paper titled "Property Rights and the Efficient Exploitation of Copyrighted Works: An Empirical Analysis of Public Domain and Copyrighted Fiction Best Sellers" was recently listed on on three of the Social Science Research Network's "Top Ten" download lists.

Walter Hellerstein, speaker, lecture on the constitutionality of discriminatory state taxation of municipal bond income, Municipal Analysts Group of New York, February, 2007

Walter Hellerstein, speaker, "Federal Constitutional Challenges to State Property Tax Assessment Limitations", Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Mass., February, 2007

R. Perry Sentell Jr., Local Government Law, 58 Mercer Law Review 267 (2006)

Dan T. Coenen, A Rhetoric for Ratification: The Argument of the Federalist and its Impact on Constitutional Interpretation, 56 Duke Law Journal 469 (2006)

Alan Watson, Evoluzione sociale e mutamenti del diritto (the Italian translation of his book Society and Legal Change), 2 ed. (Dott. A. Guiffre, 2006)

Edward J. Larson, speaker, "From Dayton to Dover: A Brief History of the Evolution Teaching Controversy in America," 2006-07 Horning Lecture Series at Oregon State University, January, 2007.

Daniel M. Bodansky, presenter, paper on the history of the international climate change regime, conference on climate change diplomacy in Geneva, Switzerland, sponsored by the Graduate Institute of International Studies, January, 2007.

Margaret V. Sachs has been elected to serve a three-year term on the executive committee of the Section on Business Associations of the Association of American Law Schools.

Ronald L. Carlson is quoted in the Forsyth County News regarding the process of jury selection in death penalty trials.

Ronald L. Carlson is quoted in the Los Angeles Times on the upcoming Brian Nichols death penalty trial.

Donald E. Wilkes Jr. will serve as a panel speaker this month at a forum on a recent Atlanta police shooting.

Julian A. Cook, Crumbs from the Master's Table: The Supreme Court, Pro Se Defendants and the Federal Guilty Plea Process, 81 Notre Dame Law Review 1895 (2006)
