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From the preface:

On account of the many changes made in the Laws of Georgia relating to Executors, Administrators and Guardians, and on account of the codification of the same, I have, upon the request of many valued friends, prepared this work. It might be styled a third edition of the Manual for Ordinaries, Executors, Administrators and Guardians, in the State of Georgia; yet, as this work is of more than a local application, I have changed the title of it, following the example of Redfield, Smith, North, and others. In the citation of Sections of Code, I have followed the numbers given in the Code of 1873. I have not followed the location of the Sections of the Code as found in the Code of 1873, preferring to place together such Sections as relate to the same matters, fcvery one at all familiar with the Code has noticed a great defect in the separation of Sections belonging together. Besides all of the Sections of the Code referring to Executors, Administrators and Guardians, there will be found in this work all of the acts of the Legislature since 1873; referring to them; all of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia embraced in volumes one to sixty-one, inclusive, carefully selected and quoted, and many valuable comments from distinguished authors referring to the law of Executors, Administrators and Guardians. The forms found in the Appendix, over one hundred and sixty in number, will be found very full and accurate. With the aid of these forms, and of the law preceding them, the extensive and important business of the Court of Ordinary (or Surrogate or Probate, as elsewhere named), may be transacted as early and accurately as that of the Superior Courts of the State.

  • W. M. REESE. Washington, Ga., May, 1880.

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Jas. P. Harrison & Co., Printers and Binders




historical treatises, historical, treatise, trust and estates, Wills, probate


Legal Education | Legal History | State and Local Government Law


This title was digitized in 2021 thanks to a project grant from the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) along with 8 other historical treatises. Titles were made freely available and accessible in 2022.

A treatise on the law of executors, administrators, and guardians
