Teens mete out justice in new Athens Peer Court

April 12, 2012

Second-year law student Colleen V. McCaffrey was featured in the Athens Banner-Herald for her work with the Athens Peer Court, a program in which teens assume the roles of judges, attorneys and jurors. The article was written by Joe Johnson and appeared on 4/11/12. UGA Grady News Source also produced a video on 4/2/12.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Second-year law student Colleen V. McCaffrey was featured in the Athens Banner-Herald for her work with the Athens Peer Court, a program in which teens assume the roles of judges, attorneys and jurors. The article was written by Joe Johnson and appeared on 4/11/12. UGA Grady News Source also produced a video on 4/2/12.

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