Alexander Sherr's article cited by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

January 7, 2013

Associate Professor and Director of Civil Clinics Alexander W. Scherr's article "Daubert & Danger: The 'Fit' of Expert Predictions in Civil Commitments (55 Hastings L.J. 1 (2003)) was cited by the Pittsburg Post-Gazette in an article on whether or not it can be predicted who with a mental illness may become violent one day. The article was compiled by Greg Victor and appeared on 12/30/12.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Associate Professor and Director of Civil Clinics Alexander W. Scherr'sarticle "Daubert & Danger: The 'Fit' of Expert Predictions in Civil Commitments (55 Hastings L.J. 1 (2003)) was cited by the Pittsburg Post-Gazette in an article on whether or not it can be predicted who with a mental illness may become violent one day. The article was compiled by Greg Victor and appeared on 12/30/12.

Read the full article
