Introductory remarks of Hughes Spalding, presiding at the dedication of Harold Hirsch Hall and Alexander Campbell King Memorial Library. My dear Friends: We are here today in this old historic Chapel, which celebrates its 100th birthday this very year, for the purpose of dedicating Harold Hirsch Hall and The Alexander Campbell King Memorial Library. This Hall is located on the campus and is the new home of Lumpkin Law School. This Library occupies the entire second floor and was given to us by Mrs. Alexander Campbell King. In order that you may understand the events leading up to this happy day, it is well to look back a few years and review briefly, beginning in 1908, the recent history of our Law School.
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Repository Citation
University of Georgia School of Law, "Dedication of Harold Hirsch Hall and Alexander Campbell King Memorial Library" (1932). Other Law School Publications. 79.
Dedication exercises took place October 29, 1932 in the University Chapel.
Program from the dedicatory exercises for Harold Hirsch Hall (home of the law school) and the Alexander Campbell King Memorial Library. The program was published in the March 1933 edition of Bulletin and includes photographs of the new building and biographical sketches of Harold Hirsch and Alexander C. King.