"The Role of the World Court Today" by Joan E. Donoghue

International Court of Justice Judge Joan E. Donoghue discussed "The Role of the World Court Today" at the Spring 2012 Sibley Lecture.

A member of the court since September 2010, Donoghue will address the continuing role of the World Court in light of the evolution of international law and the creation of other courts and tribunals.

A complementary list of reading materials was prepared by the Alexander Campbell King Law Library.

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Streaming Media

Featured Acquisitions - Spring 2012 Sibley Lecture.pdf (115 kB)
Featured Book List

Donoghue _ pressrelease_3_26_12.pdf (18 kB)
World Court Judge to speak at UGA School of Law

donoghue_advocate.pdf (73 kB)
Sibley Lecturer explores the role of the World Court, The Advocate (2012), p. 18
