Reminder to return extra tickets for secretaries of state conference


Monday, March 24, 2008

Writer: Heidi Murphy, 706/542-5172, Contact: C. Donald Johnson, 706/542-5135,

Reminder to return extra tickets for secretaries of state conference

Athens, Ga. - The University of Georgia School of Law's Dean Rusk Center and the Southern Center for International Studies would like to remind those who have obtained tickets to the secretaries of state roundtable featuring Henry Kissinger, James Baker III, Warren Christopher, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell on March 27 to please contact the Classic Center for ticket return procedures if they will not be able to use their tickets.

"We know people's plans change and that some people who secured a ticket several weeks ago may no longer be able to attend," Ambassador C. Donald Johnson, director of the Dean Rusk Center said. "Thus, it is important for people to know that there is a waitlist and that others are interested in attending but can only do so if extra tickets are returned to the Classic Center. It would be great if the 2,100-seat theater is filled to capacity for this exciting and timely event, and obviously there is the demand."

The Report of the Secretaries of State: Bipartisan Advice to the Next Administration will feature five former secretaries of state who will discuss current U.S. foreign policy issues with the goal of providing direction and counsel to the next presidential administration. The two-hour roundtable will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will cover foreign policy issues such as: stabilizing Iraq, the Middle East peace talks, Al Qaeda and militant Islam, immigration reform, environmental initiatives, U.S. energy security, America's image abroad, the balancing of economic interests and human rights, free trade agreements, and future dealings with Iran, Pakistan, Canada, Russia and China, among other topics. Newscaster Terence Smith of "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" will moderate.

The School of Law's Dean Rusk Center is partnering with the Southern Center for International Studies to bring these high profile foreign policy experts to Athens to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Dean Rusk Center, which bears the name of the late School of Law faculty member who served as secretary of state for both Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. Rusk participated in several of these Report of the Secretaries of State sessions while teaching at the School of Law for nearly 25 years.

The Classic Center can be reached at (800) 864-4160 or For more information regarding the conference in general, please visit


NOTE FOR EDITORS: If you are planning to cover this event, please contact the law school's Heidi Murphy at 706-542-5172 or for registration and guidelines. High resolution photos of the secretaries can be found at:
