Vice president of European Parliament to speak at conference


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Writer: Cindy Herndon , 706/542-5172, Contact: André Barbic , 706/542-5141,

Vice president of European Parliament to speak at conference

Athens, Ga. - Diana Wallis, vice president of the European Parliament, will join other American and European experts in private international law to explore new European Union legislation on the law applicable to torts and to compare it to approaches in U.S. law during a two-day event sponsored by the University of Georgia Dean Rusk Center - International, Comparative and Graduate Legal Studies and the Georgia Society of International and Comparative Law.

The first day of the event will feature discussions titled "Colloquium on Rome II: The 2007 EU Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations - European and American Perspectives" and will take place Monday, Nov. 5, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Presenters include: Wallis; Kirbo Chair in International Law Gabriel M. Wilner of the University of Georgia School of Law; Professor Russell J. Weintraub of The University of Texas School of Law; Dean Symeon C. Symeonides of Willamette University College of Law; and Dean Johan Meeusen of the University of Antwerp Law School.

The second day of the event will take place Tuesday, Nov. 6, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. During this time, Wallis will deliver a speech titled "Who Runs Who: Does Europe Follow the U.S., or the U.S. Europe, on Major Policy Issues?," which is co-sponsored by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts as part of the Willson Center - Dean Rusk Center Annual Lecture.

The programs on both days will be held in the Larry Walker Room of Dean Rusk Hall and are free and open to the public.

