
Friday, April 9, 1999

WRITER: Kathy R. Pharr, (706) 542-5172

CONTACT: David Shipley, (706) 542-7140


ATHENS, Ga. - Dean David Shipley of the University of Georgia School of Law will become a "1L for a day" on Monday, April 12, sitting in on classes alongside first-year students and fielding questions, just as they do, from law professors. At the same time, first-year student Hesham Sharawy will trade places as "dean for a day." The arrangement was offered as a prize in the 14th Annual Faculty Auction, held recently to benefit public interest law fellowships.

The "1L for a day/dean for a day" prize generated $1,300 toward the grand total of $14,335 raised by the Student Bar Association and Equal Justice Foundation in the auction. The three first-year law sections bid against one another for the prize, and the section contributing the most money - Section Y - won. Shipley plans to start his day trekking in from student parking instead of his reserved parking space and will wear "student attire" -- baseball cap and t-shirt to class; Sharawy will host a party for his Section Y classmates on the dean's patio in the afternoon.

"I did this at the University of Kentucky several years ago as part of a similar fund raiser for the law students," said Shipley. "It gives me a chance to see first-hand the quality of our students and the quality of our teaching, it helps raise a nice sum of money for EJF and the SBA, and I think my faculty colleagues will enjoy it, too!"

Second-year law student Shelley Senterfitt, who co-chaired the auction, points out that Shipley also donated two dinners at his home with students and two rounds of golf; the total of all his auction items, including the 1L for a day, generated $2,750. "The dean's support sets the tone for the rest of the law school community," said Senterfitt. "He has emphasized by example, as have many other faculty and staff members, the value of supporting public interest law. The incredible success of this year's auction helped EJF meet its goal of providing nine $3,000 fellowships to students who volunteer for public interest organizations this summer."

The dean will participate in three classes on Monday - property with Assistant Professor Peter Appel; contracts with Sibley Professor Julian McDonnell; and civil procedure with Hosch Professor Ron Ellington. Reporters and photographers are invited to observe Professor Ellington's class at 2:30 in Room G, on the third floor of the law school. Please arrive at 2:20 to set up equipment before class begins.
