"Performer to portray legendary social justice attorney Clarence Darrow" by Office of Communications and Public Relations

Performer to portray legendary social justice attorney Clarence Darrow


November 4, 2009

Writer: Cindy H. Rice, 706/542-5172, cindyh@uga.edu
Contact: Tom Eaton, 706/542-5177, teaton@uga.edu Gary Anderson, 406/925-0718, americanlegends@sbcglobal.net

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia School of Law will host live theatrical performances by award-winning actor Gary Anderson titled “Clarence Darrow’s Search for Justice” on Nov. 18 in the Chapel on North Campus. As part of a national tour, there will be a showing at 3:30 p.m. and another at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and all are wecome to attend.

Anderson’s one-man portrayal of Darrow, who lived from 1857 to 1938, brings to life the legendary attorney who fought against the death penalty, social injustice, racism, conspiracy laws and civil liberties violations.

Probably most well known for his role in the Scopes “Monkey” Trial, Darrow was often referred to by the press as the “attorney for the damned” and the “lion of the courtroom.”

“Clarence Darrow’s trials and the legal issues he tackled are still as relevant and controversial today as they were in the early 1900s,” show coordinator and Professor of Law Thomas A. Eaton said. “This performance is a must see for anyone interested in the relationship between government, politics, social justice and the law.”

During the show, Anderson will take the audience through a variety of Darrow’s cases including the Scopes “Monkey” Trial (with the American Civil Liberties Union), the Sweet Murder Trials (with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), The People vs. Clarence Darrow Jury Tampering Trials and the Los Angeles Times Bombing Trial of the McNamara Brothers (with the American Federation of Labor). He will also explore issues surrounding Darrow’s cases such as killing in self defense, the death penalty, legal ethics, creationism versus Darwinism, the credibility of witnesses, civil rights and freedom of speech.

Anderson is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Radio & Television Artists. He has also appeared in several television series as well as in the current Public Broadcasting Station documentary Assassination: Idaho’s Trial of the Century, in which Darrow is a character.

For further play content and description, please visit www.clarencedarrowgaryanderson.com.

