UGA law professor says O.J. Simpson sentence is fair


Friday, December 5, 2008

Media Advisory

UGA law professor says O.J. Simpson sentence is fair

According to nationally recognized trial law expert and University of Georgia law professor Ronald L. Carlson, after today's sentencing in Las Vegas, many will say that O.J.'s punishment was excessive, as a make-up for his earlier homicide acquittal.

"Simpson's defense team says the justice system is punishing him for the Los Angeles murders. Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Judge Glass undercut the recommendation which had been made by the court's parole service, a recommendation of 18 years. Doubtless, those parole officials were moved to advocate a stiff sentence by what Judge Glass described as O.J.'s arrogance. The lack of remorse for an armed attack on hotel room occupants understandably undermines a plea for leniency.

"O.J.'s professed sorrow apparently first surfaced at the sentencing hearing earlier today.

"Appeals will be next but, for the moment, it appears justice was done.

"When O.J. maintained there were no guns displayed in the retrieval of property at the Palace Station Hotel, a denial which was rebutted when several witnesses saw the weapons, his credibility was hopelessly comprised."

For further commentary, Carlson can be reached at 706-542-5186 (law school) or 706-548-6771 (home, after 4 p.m.).

A recognized expert on evidence, trial practice and criminal procedure, Carlson is the Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus at the University of Georgia School of Law. A prodigious scholar and lecturer, Carlson has authored numerous books and scores of articles in prominent law reviews regarding these subjects. He has taught at Georgia Law since 1984 and often provides commentary for the national media in high-profile trials. For further information on Carlson, please visit

