Georgia Law students complete Anti-Defamation League's Wittenstein Summer Research Program


Georgia Law students complete Anti-Defamation League's Wittenstein Summer Research Program

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Congratulations to third-year students David T. “Ty” Adams, Roshani H. Chokshi, Eleanor K. “Keith” Hall, Crystal L. Homa, Terrell C. “Chase” Ogletree, Cory L. Takeuchi and Na’Tasha J. Webb-Prather who completed the Anti-Defamation League’s Charles Wittenstein Summer Research Program. The program partners with law firms to provide law firm summer associates with the opportunity to delve deeply into critical civil rights legal issues while conducting legal research in areas including separation of church and state, freedom of speech and other civil rights issues on the ADL agenda.
