
While the primary objective of the United Nations is to maintain peace and security, Article 55 of the Charter also tasks the U.N. with facilitating higher standards of living, full employment, and social and economic development. To achieve this goal, the U.N. adopted three instruments which make up the New International Economic Order (NIEO). This thesis assesses the goals for development in the Third World, focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, and the NIEO’s capacity to serve in that regard. Sub-Saharan Africa is larger in land area than the U.S. and has abundant natural resources and agricultural land, so the basis for prosperity are present. While the NIEO, provides a starting point for changing the economic situation of sub-Saharan African at the international level, the regional and intranational challenges that have plagued the continent are still a barrier to success. The thesis also analyzes the internal restructuring that must take place in African governments which would assist in growing economic partnerships with the rest of the international community.
