
Atlanta, GA

Start Date

27-1-2017 2:05 PM

End Date

27-1-2017 2:50 PM


For many of us when conducting legal research typing a few random words or phrases into a search box yields results that are wholly unusable. It is helpful to have a collection of websites on hand where legal researchers can find reliable information quickly. Herein is a listing of websites that contain useful legal information at the local, state, and national level. This list is by no means exhaustive but, instead serves as a good starting place legal researchers developing a “go-to” collection of internet resources that you can use in your practice.

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Jan 27th, 2:05 PM Jan 27th, 2:50 PM

#LawHacks: Websites that You Wish You’d Known about Sooner Highly-useful Websites for Conducting Legal Research at the Local, State and National Levels

Atlanta, GA

For many of us when conducting legal research typing a few random words or phrases into a search box yields results that are wholly unusable. It is helpful to have a collection of websites on hand where legal researchers can find reliable information quickly. Herein is a listing of websites that contain useful legal information at the local, state, and national level. This list is by no means exhaustive but, instead serves as a good starting place legal researchers developing a “go-to” collection of internet resources that you can use in your practice.