Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities November 2006



James C. Smith, The Problem of Social Cost in a Genetically Modified Age, 58 Hastings Law Journal 87 (2006) (with Paul J. Heald)

Paul J. Heald, The Problem of Social Cost in a Genetically Modified Age, 58 Hastings Law Journal 87 (2006) (with James C. Smith)

María Eugenia Giménez and Kim Van der Borght will present their paper titled "Exploring Judicial Studies in Europe" at the European Studies Institute at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in December.

Donald E. Wilkes Jr. comments in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on "no-knock" search warrants commonly utilized by police in narcotics cases.

Donald E. Wilkes Jr., State Postconviction Remedies and Relief Handbook, 2007 ed. (Thomson/West)

Daniel M. Bodansky, speaker, "Possible Lessons for the Climate Change Regime from the International Change Regime", 12th Conference of the Parties of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change in Nairobi, November, 2006

Kim Van der Borght, speaker, regarding the book "Reform and Development of the WTO Dispute Settlement System" (published in early October by Cameron May Publishers), at a Kansas law school, November, 2006

Margaret V. Sachs, Women in Corporate Law Teaching: A Tale of Two Generations, 65 Maryland Law Review 666 (2006) (Women and the "New" Corporate Governance symposium issue)

Robert P. Bartlett, Venture Capital, Agency Costs, and the False Dichotomy of the Corporation, 54 UCLA Law Review 37 (2006)

Professors Robert D. Brussack and James F. Ponsoldt commented in the Fulton County Daily Report regarding anonymous Internet postings and defamation cases.
