Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities April 2008



Alan Watson, speaker, on his relationship with Nazi jurists after World War II, at the University of Warsaw in Poland, April, 2008

Alan Watson, speaker, on comparative law as an academic discipline at the universities of Krakow and Warsaw in Poland, April, 2008

Sonja R. West, Sanctionable Conduct: How the Supreme Court Stealthily Opened the Schoolhouse Gate, 12 Lewis & Clark Law Review 27 (2008) (symposium issue)

Ronald L. Carlson was quoted in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding whether or not Cobb County Superior Court Judge James G. Bodiford should step down from presiding over the Brian Nichols case.

Lonnie T. Brown, speaker, "'No Comment' or 'Anything Goes'--Trial Publicity Under the ABA Canons and Model Rules", ABA 2008 Ethics Centennial Symposium in Washington, D.C., April 18, 2008

Walter Hellerstein was quoted on regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on Kentucky's tax break on municipal-bond interest.

Tara J. Melish (visiting professor), speaker, "The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities," Framing Legal and Human Rights Strategies for Change: A Case Study of Disability Rights in Asia, the University of Washington School of Law, April, 2008

In its recent opinion in Meadwestvaco Corp. v. Illinois Department of Revenue (No. 06-1413, April 15, 2008), the U.S. Supreme Court made three references to Professor Walter Hellerstein's treatise (State Taxation (3d ed. 2001-2005)) and two references to his article (State Taxation of Corporate Income from Intangibles: Allied-Signal and Beyond, 48 Tax L. Rev. 739 (1993)), in holding that a nonunitary division could not serve an "operational function" in a taxpayer's unitary business.

Anne P. Dupre, speaker, "Student Press and the School Censor", University of Cincinnati conference Education Law Stories: The People and Principles Behind Education's Most Contentious Legal Controversies, April, 2008

Visiting Professor Tara J. Melish will deliver a talk on international litigation techniques at the The United States and the Inter-American Human Rights System Conference, as well as participate in the Experts Meeting on the Evolving Inter-American Human Rights System, at Columbia Law School in April.

Robert P. Bartlett, Taking Finance Seriously: How Debt Financing Distorts Bidding Outcomes in Corporate Takeovers, 76 Fordham Law Review 1975 (2008)

Harlan Cohen, panelist, The Individual and Customary International Law Formation Conference, Indiana University, April, 2008
