Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities September 2009



Fazal Khan, Paging King Solomon: Towards Allowing Organ Donation From Anencephalic Infants, 6 Indiana Health Law Review 17 (2009) (with B. Lea)

Lonnie T. Brown, ""May it Please the Camera, . . . I Mean the Court"--An Intrajudicial Solution to an Extrajudicial Problem" in A Century of Legal Ethics: Trial Lawyers and the ABA Canons of Professional Ethics (L. Fox, S. Martyn & A. Pollis, eds.) (ABA Publishing, 2009) (reprinted from 39 Ga. L. Rev. 83 (2004))

Walter Hellerstein, speaker, "Current Developments in State and Local Taxation", to the National Conference of State Tax Judges at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, September, 2009

Walter Hellerstein was quoted in The Red & Black regarding gubernatorial candidate John Oxendine's idea to repeal the 16th Amendment, which would eliminate state and local income tax.

Peter A. Appel, guest lecturer, "Sustainable Commerce", Florida State University Environmental and Land Use Certificate Program, September, 2009 (with Dr. T. Rick Irvin, J.D.)

Peter A. Appel, speaker, "Wilderness and the Judiciary", Florida State University faculty workshop, September, 2009

Jason M. Solomon, speaker, "The Legitimacy of the Civil Jury", Florida State University's Faculty Colloquium, September, 2009

Milner S. Ball, Why Law, Why Religion? - A Conversation Between a Lawyer and a Theologian, 24 Journal of Law and Religion 367 (2009)

Paul M. Kurtz was recently named chair of the drafting committee on the Visitation and Custody Issues Affecting Military Personnel and Their Families Act in response to the complex problems confronting military personnel involved in custody and visitation disputes.

Ronald L. Carlson was quoted in The New York Times regarding material witness laws and their use during the Bush administration.

Peter B. Rutledge, "Schiedsgerichte in Nordamerika" in Hambuger Handbuch des Exportrechts (Dieckmann, 2009) (with I. Hanefeld)

James F. Ponsoldt, "The Antitrust Legality of Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation Settlements" in Patents vs Competition: A Legal Debate (C. Krishna, ed.) (The Icfai University Press, 2008) (with W. Ehrenclou) (reprinted from 2006 U. Ill. J.L. Tech. & Pol'y 37 (2006))

Peter B. Rutledge, panelist, "Arbitrage and Arbitration", American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Transatlantic Law Forum: The Business of Law, September, 2009
