
A researcher in “international law” may need to locate primary sources such as international treaties, decisions of international and domestic tribunals, and foreign laws while also seeking secondary sources such as treatises and articles. The Internet has improved access to foreign and international materials immeasurably in the past few years. Items that formerly were not available in a published format might now be available with a click of the mouse. Many international organizations and countries are now placing primary legal materials on the Web, although not always in English and usually only for recent years. Like other areas of the Web, finding these materials is not always easy. The rapid growth of electronic materials in this area makes maintaining an accurate set of links impossible. However, many resources exist to help the researcher find relevant foreign and international information in this vast web of resources.

intlaw2003ppt.pdf (1378 kB)
Around the World in Twenty Minutes: International Legal Research on the Web Powerpoint Presentation
