
For any international law practitioner issues relating to technology and proprietary information can arise in a number of a different situation. For example, transactions involving foreign distribution and sales rights relating to domestic products are a common part of the day-to-day practice of anyone engaged in the multinational business arena. Many of those transactions involve a contractual agreement in the form of a license, which is intended to transfer to the licensee the technology and related information, and the legal rights therewith, necessary to complete successfully the objective of the transaction: the distribution and sale of the domestic product at satisfactory levels in the foreign market. The issues surrounding international technology transfers are complex, and depending upon the structure of the relationship, can involve a myriad of considerations relating not only to the technology rights themselves but also to the corporate, tax. labor, and antitrust issues raised by regulators on both sides of the transnational border. Clearly, each of these substantive areas needs to be addressed in the course of any transaction. In this thesis, however, the focus is only on some of the issues raised in connection with technology rights and the basic parties to the transfer of technology transaction.
