Lawyers as Prophets, Counsels, Neighbors

Audio only. The University of Georgia's 94th Sibley Lecture was held on Monday, April 1, 2001 at 3:30 p.m. in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom

Event Date



Shaffer called the lecture "an exploration of ethical possibilities for lawyers in the biblical categories of prophet, consoler and neighbor." He continued: "All of these, and particularly the first, are suggested by [UGA Caldwell] Professor Milner Ball's recent book, Called by Stories: the prophet - particularly the prototype of the prophet in Judaism, Moses; the second by the prophet Rachel; and the third by the dominant biblical ethic, in both Judaism and Christianity, love of neighbor."

shafferpressrelease.pdf (9 kB)
Renowned Legal Ethicist to Present Spring Sibley Lecture, Press Release, 3/22/01
