"The Emerging Law of the Internet" by Arthur Miller

The 95th Sibley Lecture was delivered on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 3:30 p.m. in the University of Georgia School of Law's Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom.

Lecture published as an article The Emerging Law of the Internet, 38 Ga. L. Rev. 991 (2004).

Event Date



The consequences of living in a totally global environment have been given new meaning with the Internet. Any piece of information about anyone of us can move anywhere in the world in two seconds. … It [the Internet] can only be dealt with on an international basis. Today’s students will become the regulators of cyberspace tomorrow.

sibleyinternetandtax.pdf (118 kB)
Sibley Lecture Series Brings Ivy League Scholars in Internet and Tax to Campus, The Advocate, Spring/Summer 2003, Vol. 37, no. 2

internetpressrelease.pdf (7 kB)
Professor Arthur Miller to Give Sibley Lecture on Internet Law
