Content Posted in 2025
A Time to Preserve: A Call for Formal Private-Party Rights in Perpetual Conservation Easements, Carol N. Brown
A Tragedy of the Common: The Common Interest Rule, its Common Misuses, and an Uncommon Solution, Nicole Garsombke
Banishing Acts: How Far May States Go to Keep Convicted Sex Offenders Away from Children?, Bret R. Hobson
Climate Change Litigation: The Federal Common Law of Interstate Nuisance and Federalism Concerns, Benjamin P. Harper
Constitutional Norms in a State of Permanent Emergency, Sanford Levinson
Damaged or Damages? Why Georgians Should Receive Just Compensation for Property Injured by Zoning Laws, Kyle J. Hill
Data Matching, Data Mining, and Due Process, Daniel J. Steinbock
Firearms Regulation through Constitutional Litigation, Hillel Y. Levin and Timothy D. Lytton
"If the Train Should Jump the Track.. .": Divergent Interpretations of State and Federal Employment Discrimination Statutes, Alex B. Long
Laying Down the Law: Bringing Down the Legal Cartel in Real Estate Settlement Services and Beyond, Margaret O. Rentz
Meditations on Carl Schmitt, Mark Tushnet
Operation Lone Star: Laying to Rest the Notion That Immigration Is an Invasion, Anna Carolina Mares
Picking Our Battles: A Strategy for the United States in the Wake of Mexico's Becoming a State Party to the International Criminal Court, Rachel Harkavy
Redefining Physicians' Duties: An Argument for Eliminating the Physician-Patient Relationship Requirement in Actions for Medical Malpractice, Patrick D. Blake
Small Emergencies, Kim L. Scheppele
Statutory Solutions for Stealthing: How States Should Amend Their Laws to Address Nonconsensual Condom Removal, Lauren Harter
The Art of NFTs: Copyright, Contracts, and the Fallacy of Ownership, Christine Suzanne Davik
The Deepening Crisis of American Constitutionalism, Sanford Levinson
The Emancipation Proclamation and the Commander in Chief Power, Michael S. Paulsen
The Paradox of Omnipotence: Courts, Constitutions, and Commitments, David S. Law
The Problem of Reallocation in a Regulated Riparian System: Examining the Law in Georgia, Wilson Barmeyer
The Rhetoric of Disputes in the Courts, the Media, and the Legislature, Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr
The Rhetoric of Necessity (Or, Sanford Levinson's Pinteresque Conversation), Kevin J. Heller
The Sixth Warfighting Domain?: Governing the Space-Cyber Nexus, Eytan Tepper, Scott Shackelford, James B. Romano, and Sergei Dmitriachev
The Sun Also Rises: The Political Economy of Sunset Provisions in the Tax Code, Rebecca M. Kysar
The Swift, Silent Sword Hiding in the (Defense) Attorney's Arsenal: The Inefficacy of Georgia's New Offer of Judgment Statute as Procedural Tort Reform, Merritt E. McAlister
Through Smoke and Mirrors: Excluding Malingering Expert Testimony Under the Daubert Standard, Chunlin Leonhard and Christoph Leonhard
Till Death Do Us Part(ner): Imputed Fraud Liability Concerns for Spouses Following the Supreme Court’s Decision in Bartenwerfer v. Buckley, Theresa J. Pulley Radwan
Time to Look Abroad? The Legal Regulation of Emergency Powers, William E. Scheuerman
Tomorrow Is a Mystery: Implementing Georgia’s Psychiatric Advance Directive Act, Suah Jang
Video Games as a Protected Form of Expression, Paul E. Salamanca
Waging War Against Terror: An Essay for Sandy Levinson, Philip Bobbitt
"We Can't Breathe." Like George Floyd, Black Families in New York City have a Knee on their Necks, Shanée Brown