Levin's Statutory Interpretation: A Practical Lawyering Course (Third Edition)
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This book is for instructors of Statutory Interpretation and related courses who want to introduce practical lawyering skills into the doctrinal curriculum. It is also comparatively inexpensive for students. Much like any law school case book, Statutory Interpretation: A Practical Lawyering Coursecovers the leading cases; but it also offers much more. For example, it includes:
- interpretive exercises to concretize lessons and to help students to self-assess their learning;
- legislative negotiation and drafting exercises to give students practical experience and a deeper understanding of the complexities of the legislative process;
- lawyers' briefs and case documents to help students understand how cases and arguments are put together;
- case files and brief-writing exercises to teach students to craft arguments based on their doctrinal studies;
- exercises that require students to problem-solve, prompting them to think strategically;
- a mix of heavily-edited, lightly-edited, and unedited cases to help students prepare to work in the real world;
- issues and questions for students to focus on as they read cases and other materials.
Publication Date
West Academic Publishing
St. Paul, Minnesota
statutory interpretation, legislation, courts
Courts | Legislation
Repository Citation
Levin, Hillel Y., "Levin's Statutory Interpretation: A Practical Lawyering Course (Third Edition)" (2020). Books. 191.