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I created this resource in anticipation of teaching my Torts II class, which will primarily explore defamation and privacy torts. Though I searched for a suitable coursebook, I found that none contained all of the opinions I consider essential for teaching the nuances and complexities of these subjects. Additionally, I wanted to spare my students the exorbitant price tags associated with traditional law school texts. Hence, I assembled a collection of relevant privacy and defamation cases that align with the objectives of my course. Each case is accompanied by a set of questions to further stimulate class discussion. Where I thought necessary, I included clarifying comments and summaries. I made this resource available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license and hope that others will not only use it to their own benefit, but adapt it to meet their own needs (provided they respect the non-commerciality and attribution conditions).
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First Amendment, torts, defamation, privacy
Privacy Law | Torts
Repository Citation
Biashvili, George, "Defamation, Privacy, and the First Amendment: Cases & Problems" (2024). Books. 194.