Start Date

19-3-2012 8:30 AM

End Date

19-3-2012 9:30 AM


Modern search engine searches are free and so fast that trial-and-error or try-assess-and-try-again seem reasonable approaches. However, when a single known result is desired, patience is short or the viewable screen is too small to make scrolling desirable there are a variety of handy tools and techniques to use to get the best out of the Web.Tips focus on using commonly-used search operators in Google and Bing, setting up bookmarks/favorites in browsers, and creating a personalized internet portal.

Google_slides.pdf (2668 kB)


Mar 19th, 8:30 AM Mar 19th, 9:30 AM

In Real Time: Tips for Fast, Effective Internet Searches

Modern search engine searches are free and so fast that trial-and-error or try-assess-and-try-again seem reasonable approaches. However, when a single known result is desired, patience is short or the viewable screen is too small to make scrolling desirable there are a variety of handy tools and techniques to use to get the best out of the Web.Tips focus on using commonly-used search operators in Google and Bing, setting up bookmarks/favorites in browsers, and creating a personalized internet portal.