
H2003: Georgia Water Law

The 15th Annual Red Clay Conference was held on on March 28, 2003 at the University of Georgia School of Law's Dean Rusk Hall.


Georgia water legislation issues was the focus of the 15th Annual Red Clay Conference. Key stakeholders in the tri-state water war debated the various options under negotiation. In addition, the merits of the differing Georgia water allocation bills, from the state's House and Senate, were discussed. Other issues discussed included stormwater and wastewater management, wetland conservation, coastal preservation and watershed protection.

redclay03.pdf (125 kB)
15th Annual Red Clay Conference Focuses on Water, The Advocate, Spring/Summer 2003, Vol. 37, no. 2.

redclay03pressrelease.pdf (9 kB)
Georgia Water Issues to be the Focus of Annual Red Clay Conference
