This document was circulated internally to School of Law faculty via listserv as a WORD document on August 25, 2021 by co-creators Jean Mangan and Thomas Kadri. The abstract is a copy of the email text from Mangan and Kadri to their colleagues at the law school.


"At our last faculty meeting, Dean Rutledge suggested developing a set of “best practices” to handle some of the challenges posed by the current public-health crisis. In discussing this idea, Jean Mangan and I felt that it might be worthwhile thinking of them as “good-better-best practices,” recognizing that varying approaches will inevitably make sense for different instructional styles and priorities. We offer the ideas in the attached document not to suggest that they’re the best practices, but rather in the hope that they’ll be useful as we all adapt to this new and challenging pedagogical environment." - Thomas Kadri
