"Education Finance Litigation: A Review of Recent High Court Decisions " by Anne Dupre, John Dayton et al.

186 Educ. L. Rep. 1 (2004).


This article addresses the impact that school funding litigation has had in shaping public schools across the United States. It serves as an update to a 2001 article titled Serrano and It’s Progeny: An Analysis of 30 Years of School Funding Litigation, which reviewed school funding litigation since the Serrano v. Priest decision. This article updates that research by providing brief reviews of the most recent and significant school funding litigation decisions, including the most recent decisions in Claremont v. Governor, James v. Alabama Coalition for Equality, Tennessee Small School Systems v. McWhorter, Lake View v. Huckabee, DeRolph v. State, and Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE) v. State. The article concludes by discussing possible future directions in this litigation, based on an analysis of these recent state high court cases and the litigation since Serrano v. Priest.
