Submissions from 2019
Brandeis’s I.P. Federalism: Thoughts on Erie at Eighty, Joseph S. Miller
Law's Semantic Self-Portrait: Discerning Doctrine with Co-Citation Networks and Keywords, Joseph S. Miller
Building from Scratch: University of Georgia School of Law's Practicum in Animal Welfare Skills, Lisa Milot and Deena Agamy
Social Vulnerability Assessment of Dog Intake Location Data As a Planning Tool for Community Health Program Development: A Case Study in Athens-Clarke County, GA, 2014-2016, Lisa Milot and Jessie Lee Dyer
Special Considerations in Transfers to Minor Beneficiaries Born as a Result of Reproductive Technologies, Lisa Milot and TJ Striepe
Learning to be More than a Lawyer, Carol Morgan
Daniel Amsterdam's Roaring Metropolis: Businessmen's Campaign for a Civic Welfare State, Laura Phillips Sawyer
Philip Scranton & Patrick Fridenson's Reimagining Business History, Laura Phillips Sawyer
Sebastian Edward's American Default: The Untold Story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the Battle over Gold, Laura Phillips Sawyer
Explaining Choice-of-Entity Decisions by Silicon Valley Start-Ups, Gregg Polsky
Do Conflicts of Interest Require Outside Boards? Yes. BSPs? Maybe., Usha Rodrigues
Financial Contracting with the Crowd, Usha Rodrigues
Law and the Blockchain, Usha Rodrigues
Winning and Losing in Investor-State Arbitration, Tim Samples
Method and Dialogue in History and Originalism, Logan E. Sawyer III
Why is the Protective Order Project Still in Business; Or, If the Family Justice Clinic has been at it so Long, Why Hasn’t Anything Changed? Domestic Violence as a Continuing Societal Concern, Christine M. Scartz and Chelsea Reese
Derivative Works and Making Sense of the Maxim that 'Others are Free to Copy the Original. They are Not Free to Copy the Copy.', David E. Shipley
Code Revision Commission v. Public.Resource.Org and the Fight Over Copyright Protection for Annotations and Commentary, David E. Shipley
Corporations and Sustainability, Beate Sjåfjell and Christopher Bruner
Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Fuel Switching in Existing Buildings, James Smith
Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society, Deborah Thorne, Pamela Foohey, Robert M. Lawless, and Katherine Porter
Environmental Law, Travis M. Trimble
Federal Financing of Higher Education at a Crossroads: The Evolution of the Student Loan Debt Crisis and the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Camilla E. Watson
Financial Impact of the Opioid Crisis on Local Government: Quantifying Costs for Litigation and Policymaking, Elizabeth Weeks
Healthism in Tort Law, Elizabeth Weeks