"Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities February 2009"

Recent Faculty Scholarship & Activities February 2009



Thomas A. Eaton was quoted in the Fulton County Daily Report regarding a bill in the Georgia Senate that would grant legal protection to drug makers in Georgia whose products are FDA approved.

Professor Walter Hellerstein was quoted in Tire Business regarding Massachusetts's attempt to require the New Hampshire outlet of a multi-state tire dealership to collect a Massachusetts tax on tire sales to Massachusetts residents at the New Hampshire store.

Harlan Cohen, International Decision: Munaf v. Geren, 102 American Journal of International Law 854 (2008)

Alan Watson, Comparative Law: Law, Reality and Society, 2d. ed. (Vandeplas Publishing, 2008)

David A. Brennen, speaker, "State and Local Tax Exemptions for Charitable Hospitals and Homes for the Aged," Hamline University School of Law, February, 2009

Paul J. Heald, Optimal Remedies for Patent Infringement: A Transactional Model, 45 Houston Law Review 1165 (2008)

R. Perry Sentell Jr., Local Government Law, 60 Mercer Law Review 263 (2008)

David E. Shipley, chair of UGA's Curriculum Committee, was quoted in The Red & Black regarding the effects on students from the committee's decision to consolidate or eliminate certain degrees.

Michael L. Wells was quoted by the First Amendment Center regarding a recent Supreme Court ruling that addressed qualified immunity.

Anne Proffitt Dupre's book Speaking Up: The Unintended Costs of Free Speech in Public Schools was recently listed on Amazon.com's list for bestselling new & future releases in policy.

Alan Watson, speaker, "David Daube: A Personal Reminiscence," a meeting on Daube in Aberdeen, Scotland, February, 2009

Walter Hellerstein, speaker, "Interjurisdictional Design Issues," the American Tax Policy Institute's conference on Structuring a Federal VAT: Design & Coordination Issues, February, 2009 (with M. Keen)
