Below is an archive of the School of Law’s faculty highlights dating back to 2006. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Office of Communications and Public Relations at (706) 542-5172 or To view the law school’s current faculty highlights, please visit our Faculty Highlights page.

Submissions from 2021

Mangan named UGA Service-Learning Fellow, (August 26, 2021)

Four faculty selected for the SEC Academic Leadership Program, including law school's Weeks, (August 24, 2021)

Rodrigues featured on Bloomberg, (August 24, 2021)

Eaton publishes article in American University International Law Review, (August 23, 2021)

Rodrigues featured in The New York Times, (August 19, 2021)

Rodrigues featured on Bloomberg, (August 18, 2021)

Eight faculty receive new titles, (August 13, 2021)

Law school welcomes two faculty members, (August 13, 2021)

Cohen publishes chapter in book on international law in Europe and the US, (August 12, 2021)

Hall publishes article in the Journal of Management Education, (August 11, 2021)

E. Burch featured in Reuters article regarding her MDL plaintiff survey results, (August 10, 2021)

E. Burch featured in Reuters article regarding MDL attorney fees, (August 10, 2021)

Evans presents at American Association of Law Libraries conference, (August 9, 2021)

Nolan presents on institutional repository collections, (August 9, 2021)

Tubinis presents on teaching legal technology, (August 9, 2021)

E. Burch publishes article in the New York University Law Review, (August 6, 2021)

Kadri's chapter Cy Près Settlements in Privacy Class Actions republished in Spanish, (August 5, 2021)

Ringhand presents on reorganizing, restructuring and reforming the federal courts, (August 4, 2021)

Peters featured in Brazil's Folha de S.Paulo, (August 3, 2021)

Carlson book cited by Georgia Court of Appeals, (August 2, 2021)

E. Burch featured on Bloomberg, (August 2, 2021)

E. Burch featured on Bloomberg, (July 29, 2021)

Peters featured in The Seattle Times, (July 29, 2021)

Cohen receives Jackson Prize for Journal of International Economic Law article, (July 27, 2021)

Peters featured in The Seattle Times, (July 26, 2021)

Simon featured on Bloomberg, (July 26, 2021)

West's research featured in the ABA Journal, (July 26, 2021)

Simon featured in The Wall Street Journal, (July 23, 2021)

E. Burch featured in The New York Times, (July 22, 2021)

Barnett reappointed to Administrative Conference of the United States, (July 20, 2021)

Watson publishes article in South Carolina Law Review, (July 19, 2021)

E. Burch publishes article on diversity in MDL leadership, (July 16, 2021)

Durkee presents at International Society of Public Law Conference, (July 13, 2021)

Kadri publishes article in the Texas Law Review, (July 12, 2021)

Ringhand presents at International Society of Public Law Conference, (July 8, 2021)

Bruner publishes chapter on comparative corporate governance, (July 7, 2021)

Dennis' book featured in New York Law Journal, (July 6, 2021)

Bruner presents on artificial intelligence and corporate governance, (July 2, 2021)

Durkee publishes article in the Virginia Law Review, (July 2, 2021)

Hetherington featured in Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (July 2, 2021)

Barnett, Durkee and Pulliam assume leadership roles, (July 1, 2021)

Hellerstein publishes article on state tax obligations of online platforms, (June 30, 2021)

Rodrigues presents on optimizing whistleblowing, (June 30, 2021)

E. Burch featured in Bloomberg Law article, (June 29, 2021)

E. Burch featured in Bloomberg Law article, (June 29, 2021)

E. Burch featured in The New York Times, (June 29, 2021)

Norins authors guest column in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (June 29, 2021)

Carlson book cited by Georgia Court of Appeals, (June 28, 2021)

E. Burch featured in The Wall Street Journal, (June 28, 2021)

Rodrigues featured in the Financial Times, (June 25, 2021)

Supreme Court: Off-campus student speech protected, but schools do have power to regulate, (June 24, 2021)

Ringhand featured on Wisconsin Public Radio, (June 22, 2021)

Rodrigues featured on, (June 18, 2021)

Wells publishes article on strict liability for constitutional torts, (June 17, 2021)

Cook publishes article in University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, (June 16, 2021)

Rodrigues presents on SPACs, direct listings and other innovations in corporate formation, (June 16, 2021)

Brown featured on Bloomberg Law, (June 15, 2021)

Rodrigues featured in The New York Times, (June 15, 2021)

Wells publishes article in the Northwestern University Law Review Online, (June 15, 2021)

Polsky featured in The New York Times, (June 14, 2021)

Polsky was featured in Investor's Business Daily, (June 14, 2021)

West featured on, (June 14, 2021)

Brown presents at ABA professional responsibility conference, (June 11, 2021)

West featured in the Kentucky New Era, (June 11, 2021)

Khan featured on BBC's "World Business Report", (June 10, 2021)

Rodrigues featured on Daily FX, (June 9, 2021)

Morgan receives award for excellence in teaching transactional law and skills, (June 8, 2021)

Levin featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (June 7, 2021)

Durkee presents at Law and Society Association conference, (June 4, 2021)

E. Burch featured in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, (June 3, 2021)

Amann publishes article in the Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, (June 2, 2021)

Carlson's book on evidence cited by Georgia Court of Appeals, (June 2, 2021)

Bruner presents on corporate governance, (May 28, 2021)

Simon featured in The New York Times, (May 27, 2021)

Rodrigues featured on Bloomberg Law, (May 25, 2021)

E. Burch featured on Law 360, (May 24, 2021)

E. Burch's article reviewed in JOTWELL, (May 24, 2021)

Rodrigues testifies before U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee, (May 24, 2021)

Polsky publishes article in the Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance, (May 21, 2021)

Phillips Sawyer receives Terry College's outstanding MBA teacher award, (May 19, 2021)

Thompson elected to American Law Institute's Council, (May 18, 2021)

E. Burch featured in Associated Press article, (May 17, 2021)

Phillips Sawyer presents at U.S. Department of Justice, (May 14, 2021)

Dennis presents on how the U.S. and U.K. criminalize rap, (May 13, 2021)

Chapman presents on qualified immunity, (May 12, 2021)

Hellerstein's treatise quoted by Maine Supreme Court, (May 11, 2021)

Cohen presents on the sociology of WTO precedent, (May 10, 2021)

Coenen receives Faculty Research Award, (May 7, 2021)

Kadri presents at Yale Law School conference, (May 6, 2021)

West presents at Yale Law School conference, (May 6, 2021)

E. Burch featured by Reuters, (May 5, 2021)

Kadri featured on Bloomberg Law, (May 5, 2021)

Brown featured on Ralph Nader Radio Hour, (May 3, 2021)

Amann presents "Nuremberg Women As Shapers of International Criminal Justice", (April 30, 2021)

Cohen presents "The Sociology of WTO Precedent", (April 30, 2021)

E. Burch featured on, (April 29, 2021)

Rodrigues presents on SPACs, (April 29, 2021)

Kadri presents on Utah Law Review article, (April 27, 2021)

West's research featured on CNN's "Reliable Sources", (April 26, 2021)

Amann featured in The Jewish News of Northern California, (April 23, 2021)