This collection provides access to the ten versions of the Georgia Constitution adopted by the State of Georgia from 1777 to its current version. Additionally, the collection contains the materials created during the drafting of these Constitutions. For a brief overview of Georgia Constitutions please see the entry on the Georgia Constitution in the New Georgia Encyclopedia. Additionally, please visit the Digital Commons' Historic Treatise collection to review books written about the Georgia Constitution.
Georgia Constitution of 1861
Georgia Constitution of 1861, State of Georgia
Journal of the Public and Secret Proceedings of the Convention of the People of Georgia, Held in Milledgeville and Savannah in 1861, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1798
Georgia Constitution of 1798 as amended through 1857, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1798 as amended through 1849, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1798, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1789
Georgia Constitution of 1789 as amended through 1795, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1789, State of Georgia
Georgia Constitution of 1777
Georgia Constitution of 1777, State of Georgia