Volume 25, Number 1 (1996) volume 25, Numbers 1 & 2 is a Special Double Issue on The Growing Importance of Customary International Human Rights Law
Table of Contents
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
The Growing Importance of Customary International Human Rights Law
Richard B. Lillich
Human Rights and State "Sovereignty"
Louis Henkin
The Effect of Treaties and Other Formal International Acts On the Customary Law of Human Rights
Arthur M. Weisburd
The Relevance of Customary International Norms to the Death Penalty in the United States
Joan Fitzpatrick
The Role of Experts in Proving International Human Rights Law in Domestic Courts: A Commentary
Harold G. Maier
Customary International Human Rights Law in Domestic Court Decisions
Gordon A. Christenson
Dead Man's Hand: Reshuffling Foreign Sovereign Immunities in U.S. Human Rights Litigation
David J. Bederman
The Status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in National and International Law
Hurst Hannum
Sources of International Law
Louis B. Sohn
Reflections on Regional Human Rights Law
Gabriel M. Wilner