Volume 47, Number 3 (2019) Conference on the International Criminal Court and the Community of Nations
The ICC in Latin America: An Old Friend with New Challenges
Naomi Roht-Arriaza
Defense Issues at the International Criminal Court
Megan A. Fairlie
The ICC and Non-Party States: Consistency and Consensus Revisited
Chimène I. Keitner
The United States and the International Criminal Court: Why Undermining the ICC Undercuts U.S. Interests
Jane Stromseth
Table of Contents, vol. 47, iss. 3
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
State-Sponsored Ransomware Through the Lens of Maritime Piracy
Evans F. Horsley
¿Marero o Terrorista? Examining the Supreme Court of El Salvador's Designation of Gang Members as Terrorists
Karla Martinez
The International Criminal Court Appeals Chamber Ruling in Ntaganda: An Opportunity to Improve Accountability for Sexual and Gender-based Crimes Against Men and Boys
Elizabeth Modzeleski