Established at the University of Georgia School of Law in 1966, the Law Review has been dedicated to publishing quality and timely legal scholarship for over fifty years. As the school’s only general subject-matter publication, the Law Review publishes the work of renowned law professors, judges, and legal practitioners in addition to selected notes written by student members in one volume annually, with four quarterly issues. The journal also hosts an annual Symposium and publishes an issue dedicated to an important, developing area of the law.
Current Issue: Volume 59, Number 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Through Smoke and Mirrors: Excluding Malingering Expert Testimony Under the Daubert Standard
Chunlin Leonhard and Christoph Leonhard
The Sixth Warfighting Domain?: Governing the Space-Cyber Nexus
Eytan Tepper, Scott Shackelford, James B. Romano, and Sergei Dmitriachev
Till Death Do Us Part(ner): Imputed Fraud Liability Concerns for Spouses Following the Supreme Court’s Decision in Bartenwerfer v. Buckley
Theresa J. Pulley Radwan
The Art of NFTs: Copyright, Contracts, and the Fallacy of Ownership
Christine Suzanne Davik
Damaged or Damages? Why Georgians Should Receive Just Compensation for Property Injured by Zoning Laws
Kyle J. Hill
Statutory Solutions for Stealthing: How States Should Amend Their Laws to Address Nonconsensual Condom Removal
Lauren Harter