The Pursuit of Truth Panel


Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

Start Date

18-1-2013 12:30 PM

End Date

18-1-2013 2:00 PM


Questions Presented: Is there a moral foundation to evidence law? Does it compel the pursuit of truth? Has the goal of evidence reform been to obfuscate or clarify the truth? Are exclusionary rules and privileges incompatible with truth-seeking? Has the liberalization of evidence rules brought us closer to exposing “truth” at trial?

View panel:


Jan 18th, 12:30 PM Jan 18th, 2:00 PM

The Pursuit of Truth Panel

Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall

Questions Presented: Is there a moral foundation to evidence law? Does it compel the pursuit of truth? Has the goal of evidence reform been to obfuscate or clarify the truth? Are exclusionary rules and privileges incompatible with truth-seeking? Has the liberalization of evidence rules brought us closer to exposing “truth” at trial?

View panel: