Policing and Prosecutorial Ethics


Larry Walker Room, Rusk Hall

Start Date

27-1-2017 11:00 AM

End Date

27-1-2017 12:30 PM


Prosecutors are subject to ethical regulations regarding their duties. In addition, prosecutors often have an interdependent relationship with law enforcement. How do prosecutors address conflict of interest concerns that are presented when they are called upon to consider potential criminal charges against police officers? Do prosecutors’ ethical obligations require them to affect, influence, or limit police practices? This panel will seek to answer these and other questions related to the role of prosecutors in police conduct cases


Jan 27th, 11:00 AM Jan 27th, 12:30 PM

Policing and Prosecutorial Ethics

Larry Walker Room, Rusk Hall

Prosecutors are subject to ethical regulations regarding their duties. In addition, prosecutors often have an interdependent relationship with law enforcement. How do prosecutors address conflict of interest concerns that are presented when they are called upon to consider potential criminal charges against police officers? Do prosecutors’ ethical obligations require them to affect, influence, or limit police practices? This panel will seek to answer these and other questions related to the role of prosecutors in police conduct cases