
Creation Date
This black and white photograph is a scanned clipping on newsprint extracted from page 3 of the 84 page Edith House Scrapbook compiled by the Women Law Students Association. The original clipping is approximately 15 x 20 cm and presents the senior class of 1925 as a group. In the back row, the two women on the far right pictured are the first two female graduates from the University of Georgia School of Law: Gussie Brooks and Edith House. Text reading "Senior Class, University of Georgia" is printed followed by student names in row from left to right. The full text reads as follows:
Senior Class, University -ot Georgia: First row,. left ·,to right: :r. K. McNelll, L.B. McLendon, H.B. .Johnson, W: S. Murray, C.H. Langford. H'. '.El. Shores, C. H. Baker, J. H. Cromartie, D. W. ther, Jr., C. B. .Colquitt! H. C. Eberhardt, Z. B. Byrd, G. F. Duggar, M. L. Stokes, N . .J. Taylor, D. G. Bryant, G. S .. Dennis, C. H . 'Martin, .Jr., -B. 0. Fry, L. H. Forrest, F. N • .Jelks, C. L. Gowen . X>Rd row: L. H. N~lson, D. C. Turner, L. C. Green, .J. B. Smith, F. W. Orr. R, .T. Richardson. B. H . Hu11ba.nd. Donle Owens. C. F: 'Wiehrs, C. C. Fargo, R . E. Saffold, president senior law class; mcellor Barrow, A.H. Chambers, presid~t senfo"r class; S. N. Com:le;I. V. Chandler, T. E. Denmark, M. W . . McKee, A. E. Gay , .J. W. · Tatum, E. C. Dietz, G. F. · Dickey, R. F. Caruthers, W, E. .vell, H. E._ Smith ·, .J.C. Helmey, .Jr ., D. B. Milledge, F. D; Bozarth, .Jr-. Third row: .J.M. Day, G. C. Dean, C; Turk, ·w. D. Holiday, R: B. C.ritnth, .J. F. Glass, .J. W. Blount, A. A. Nathan, I. H. ~nath; R. M. Middleton, LeQ W. Belcher, _.J. R . .Johneon, I.- .P .. Myerso~. -.J. -H. -Mote, T. E. Evitt, H. L. Middlebrooks, G. · T. Langford,(). F. Crouch, F , M. Young, R.H. Smalley, . W. H. Veale, .J. Dean, L. S. Gardner, G. _T. Gard, W. W. Taylor, W . s. Allen , W. H : .Southern, L. R. Braswell, A.G. Owens, F .• J. Slater. Fourth row:,M. C. Garrett, .J. H. WIison, G. M. Clark, :r, C. More• ik, .Jr, L. S. Carter, J.B. Maddox, .J. V. Calhoun, .J. S . . Smith, L. Farmer, .R. .T. Scoggins, W. · P. Green, T. M. Tillman, :r. W. Overstreet, 0. S. Miller, M. L . .Johnson, P. L. Crenshaw, E. ·w. Ge.I· er. J. 3 .. Butler. R. L.- ElllA. _.l. R. ,Patrtck. ·Stantley Mllledite, .J. H. Hoscb , G. W. Lowe, L. -G. Hagood, 0. Woody, M. S. Cook, B. F. Grant, G. :r. Parker, W. R. Reeves. H. B. RothchlldB. Back : Gloria Miller, Marcella Richardson, Ellzabeth Halley, Eliza beth Meredith, Emily LalBoon, Marvin O'!Neal, .Jr., Rena Daven port, :C-orothy Moran, Lucy M. Ca.rroll, Gertrude Cantrell, Thoe. L. 1utt, _Evelyn Perry, Edna Hendricks, Sara Tarragano, 'Polly Ruth Bowers, Mary Ferguson, Annie La.urte Weir, Alice Winn. Peoples, .Bu-die McAllister, Evelyn O'Qulnn, Fain Slaughter, .J. B . i:Jey, R. L. P. Carter, D. L. Cloud, Tom Whitehead, R. S. Florence, Vonnie Abercrombie, Harriet Colbert,- Virginia Athon, Christine Moon, ,Anne Gri!f-ln, Gussie Brooks. Edith House.
Colorized image of newspaper clipping
edith_gussie-classpic_cropped2.jpg (574 kB)
Crop of Gussie Brooks and Edith House
photograph, graduating class, law students, House, Brooks, 1925