This collection includes digitized historical treatises from the Law Library. Most are treatises focused on the practice of law in Georgia published between 1800-1920. The treatises, arranged by publication date, provide insights from attorneys and scholars as the law existed during that time. These books are on a variety of legal topics from the Georgia Constitution, property, probate, tort, and family law. The form books encompass a large array of legal topics and provide examples of court filings and contracts used by attorneys during a given time period. Many of these treatises are held in a limited number of libraries with at least one of these titles only being available in our Law Library collection. The Law Library has undertaken digitization of historical codes and treatises from our collection in order to make the legal history of Georgia accessible to researchers. In addition to historical treatises, access to our Law Library collection of Georgia state laws and digests, ranging in date from 1799 to 1933, are freely available in our institutional repository under Historical Georgia Digests & Codes.
The Georgia justice: being a convenient directory for the justices of the peace, and various other civil officers known to the laws of the state of Georgia
Rhodom A. Greene and John W. Lumpkin
From the front matter:
Be it remembered, That on the twenty-fifth day of May, in the fifty-ninth year of the independence ©f the United States of America, A. D. 1835, Rhodom A. Greene and John W. Lumpkin, of said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit:—
“The GEORGIA JUSTICE : being a convenient Directory for the Justices of the Peace, and various other civil officers known to the Laws of the State of Georgia. Containing a Digest of the Statutes relating to the duties of said officers, and other laws of a general nature, illustrated and explained by quotations from the most eminent writers and expounders of the Common Law. In four Parts. With an Appendix, containing the Constitution of this State, and the Constitution of the United States as amended. By Rhodom A. Greene and John W. Lumpkin.”
In conformity to the act of congress of the United States, entitled, “An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned and also to the act entitled, “An act supplementary to an act entitled ‘An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,’ and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.”
- GEORGE GLEN, Clerk District Court, Georgia.
The office and duty of a justice of the peace: and a guide to clerks, constables, coroners, executors, administrators, guardians, sheriffs, tax collectors, and receivers, and other civil officers
Augustin S. Clayton
From the front matter:
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the twenty-eighth day of September,in the forty•fourth year of the independence of the United States of America, A. ll.1819, Mathew Carey and Son, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim a, proprietors, in the words following, to wit:
The office and duty of a Justice of the Peace, and a guide to Clerks, Constables, Coroners, Executors, Administrators, Guardians, Sheriffs, Tax-collectors, and Receivers, and other civil officers, according to the laws of the State of Georgia; with an Appendix, containing a collection of the most approved forms, together with the Constitution of this State, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments to each. By Augustin s. Clayton.
In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, securing 'the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned.''-And also to the Act entitled, "An Act supplementary' to an Act entitled, ''An Act for the encouragement of learning, securing the copies of maps, charts, and books,to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,'' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."
- D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.