Land Use Clinic | Student Works and Organizations | University of Georgia School of Law
Land Use Clinic

Land Use Clinic

About the Clinic

The Land Use Clinic provides innovative legal tools and strategies to help preserve land, water and scenic beauty while promoting creation of communities responsive to human and environmental needs. The clinic provides tools and research assistance to help local governments, state agencies, and non-profit organizations develop quality land use and growth management policies and practices. The clinic also gives UGA law students an opportunity to develop practical skills and provides them with knowledge of land use law and policy.

Work of the Clinic

The Land Use Clinic promotes the use of growth management tools in Georgia, drafting model legislation to protect greenspace, control stormwater and other water pollution, cluster development away from sensitive resources, promote affordable housing and preserve farmland and open space. The Clinic also broadens the University’s offerings in land use law, helping us attract students interested in the developing field of growth management, and assuring they graduate with invaluable practical experience in the field.

The clinic also develops and diversifies existing opportunities within the Law School’s Civil Clinic program. It provides a formal opportunity for clinical work in transactional and administrative law, with a heavy stress on legal and public policy issues. It is a beneficial experience for any law student interested in land use, real estate, local government, environmental or commercial law, or in community leadership on state or local land use issues.

Jamie Baker Roskie was the clinic's managing attorney. The Land Use Clinic was discontinued in 2012.



Submissions from 2012


Proposal to Initiate a Growth Management Land Use Clinic, Jamie Baker Roskie


Land Use Clinic brochure, University of Georgia School of Law Land Use Clinic

Submissions from 2010


The Georgia Greenway Guidebook: A Tool for Governments, Communities, and Individuals, Christine Clay, Kathleen Nelson, and Katie Biszko

Submissions from 2009


Survey of Local Government Green Building Incentive Programs for Private Development, Anne Marie Pippin


TDR Citizens Guidebook, Meghan Ryan, Wes Rochester, and Laura Ingram


New Ruralism, Emily M. Stratton

Submissions from 2008


Drafting Local Ordinances for Natural Resource Protection, Jamie Baker Roskie, James W. Hawhee, and Jeremy Cole


Lighting and Dark Sky Regulation, Marjorie Palmer


The Durability of Conservation Easements in Georgia, Meghan Ryan and Michelle Godfrey

Submissions from 2007


City of Jefferson Curry Creek Water Supply Watershed: Estimate of Existing and Projected Impervious Cover and Assessment of Watershed Protection Provisions, Jamie Baker Roskie and Seth Wenger


New Urbanism and Euclidian Zoning: Can They Co-Exist?, Janna Blasingame Custer


LEED Building Ordinances for Local Governments, Dennis Boothe, Lori Leonardo, and Darren Rowles


Model Junkyard Ordinance, Lydia Doyle


An Analysis of Development Impact Fees in Georgia, Jim Edge and Michael J. Eshman


Accessory Apartments, Lauren Giles


Controlling Big Box Retail Development in Georgia, Matt Roberts, Brian Wright, Elizabeth Simpson, Lauren Giles, and Anna Hauser


The Constitutionality of Open Space Requirements and Minimum Lot Sizes, Matthew Weiss

Submissions from 2006


Protecting the Future Forever: Why Perpetual Conservation Easements Outperform Term Easements, Paul Mitchell


The Scientific Justification for Stream Buffers, Paul Mitchell


Keeping Livestock Out of Streams in Georgia, Jill Schonenberg


Stormwater Utilities in Georgia, Joshua Smith

Submissions from 2005


Phase II Compliance & Illicit Discharge Ordinances, Benjamin Corson-Knowles

Submissions from 2004


Sustainable Development Scenarios for the Richard B. Russell Parkway, Jesse Fountain, Judith R. Wasserman, and Jamie Baker Roskie


Strip Corridor Redevelopment: A Guidance Document, University of Georgia School of Law, Land Use Clinic and College of Environment and Design, University of Georgia

Submissions from 2003


Sign Control on Rural Corridors: Model Provisions and Guidance, University of Georgia School of Law Land Use Clinic and College of Environment and Design, University of Georgia