
Amicus Briefs, 1985

newsjan85.pdf (88 kB)
January 1985: New Check-out Policy; IBM-PC Computers; Word Processing - Wordstar; Students' Complaints; A Reminder; Lost and Found Section; Westlaw Reference Manual and User's Guide

newsfeb85.pdf (62 kB)
February 1985: Lexis Citator Enhancements; Westlaw; Computer Training; Georgia Texts; Computer Bulletin Boards; Recent Acquisitions; Federal Procedural Manuals; U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs; Library Hours - Closing

newsaug85.pdf (79 kB)
August 1985: Welcome Back; Library Hours; Photocopy Services; Employment Opportunites; Library Handbook; Lexis/Westlaw Training

newsnov85.pdf (78 kB)
November 1985: Happy Thanksgiving; Library Hours; Infotrac Database System; Copicards; Staff Changes; "2 Free Hours" of Westlaw

newsdec85.pdf (59 kB)
December 1985: Happy Holidays; Hours of Service; Photocopy Services; Westlaw Computer Training; Georgia Materials; Microform Holdings
