"Amicus Briefs, 2017" by University of Georgia School of Law Library

Amicus Briefs, 2017

AMICUS_JAN2017.pdf (7233 kB)
Refresh yourself with UGA's Inclement Weather Poilicy; Find Reg Histories in ProQuest Regulatory Insight; Spotlight on Martin Luher King Jr. Titles; Profile on Distinguished Employee Marie Mize; Meet January's Law Dawgs of the Month: Cooper & Gunnar; Discover Recent Featured Acquisitions.

Amicus_FEB2017.pdf (6680 kB)
African-American Contributions to Sports and Law Exhibit and Reception; Resource Spotlights on ACLU Archives Database and Practice Point; Selected Titles related to the upcoming WIPI Conference; Honorary Law Dawg of the Month - Piccolo, the bearded dragon; Check out highlights of the Law Library's most recent acquisitions.

AMICUS_MAR2017.pdf (6538 kB)
Spring Break Hours; DVDs to Watch Over Spring Break; Staff Profile: Nina Guzman; Women and the Law collection in HeinOnline; Women's History Month Exhibit; LawDawg of the Month: Ruby; Featured Acquisitions

AMICUS_APRIL2017.pdf (12052 kB)
Reflections from the Library Director; Final Exams: Stress Busters & Library Hours; Congratulations to Graduating Circulation Assistants; Graduating Research Assistants Share Advice & Future Plans; Summer Access to Library Resources; Law Dawg Round Up; Featured Acquisitions of the Law Library's most recent purchases.

AMICUS_AUG2017.pdf (6797 kB)
Welcome Back from the Director; Library Hours for Fall; Photo Re-Cap of Summer Library Projects; Librarians Share their Favorite Fictional Lawyers; Law Dawg of the Month: Bodie; Title Highlights from Summer Purchases for the Collection.

AMICUS_SEPT2017.pdf (7375 kB)
Meet New Employee Keven Gilbert; Spotlight on Legal Writing Resources; Librarians and Staff Share Their Favorite Fictional Lawyers; Law Dawg of the Month: Wassail the Pig!

AMICUS_OCT2017.pdf (3742 kB)
Scary DVDs from the Collection; Guantanamo, Torture, and Terrorism Resources; Library Podcast Episode #1: Technology; October is Georgia Archives Month; Favorites From Fiction: the Best of the Worst; Law Dawg of the Month: Petra

AMICUS_NOV2017.pdf (10779 kB)
Library Hours, Stress Busters and Study Aids for Final Exams; Spotlight on the Sohn Library; Book Repair Clinic November 13 - 16; Ethics in Dispute Resolution Resources; Law Dawg of the Month: Phoebe
